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the ins and outs of a successful website
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There are over a billion websites out in the world wide web today. How could you possibly get yours to stand out above the rest? Well, there are many factors that make up a successful website. Let’s take a look at some of the most important factors and how our Phialdelphia web design company can help your website become more successful.
Does your website produce results your customers are looking for? Providing content that answers questions about your products or services, or creating a means for users to interact throughout your website will help make it more effective. Having this information all laid out in an organized fashion will make the experience on your site more user friendly as well.
Having an easy to navigate website will keep users on for longer, giving you the opportunity to showcase what you are all about. The use of links throughout your website, and a clear navigation bar will allow visitors to move seamlessly to each page. This allows them to find exactly what they are looking for and decreases bounce rates on your site.
Content is king! Having relevant and original content not only gets traffic to your website, but search engines such as Google love it. Great content will encourage engagement and drive in new leads and sales.
How fast your website loads can make or break your site. It only takes a few seconds for a visitor to click the back button after a page doesn’t load. This goes for mobile friendliness as well. Making sure your website performs well on mobile devices is extremely important today.
Search engines crawl your website to rank it accordingly. Using SEO basics will optimize the different elements on and off the pages. You would be surprised with how big of a difference the little things make.
In conclusion, the list could go on and on, but as long as you have the basics down, you are ready to go. With that being said, this is not a set it and forget it type of marketing tool. You need to constantly update your website with different up to date content and visit your site regularly to make sure it is actually working correctly. Our Philadelphia web design company will help you manage your site and perform all the necessary maintenance, such as SEO, in order to give your website and business a boost.
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Living through the information age gives you the advantage of learning just about anything, from anywhere, and at any time for that matter. With so many products and services out there today, people want to know why they should buy your product or service over the competitors. Having a website alone gives you credibility and lets customers know you exist. About half of the world’s population searches the web every day, looking for something to grab their attention. If you do not have a website, you are missing out on all those chances for someone to see what it is you have to offer.
Now, if you are a small business that does not have a website, I completely understand where you are coming from. All you need is your local word of mouth advertising with maybe an ad in the paper here and there. Right? I helped grow a business with this strategy, but it can only take you so far. Again, we are in the information age where consumers are literally doing research on their phones right up until the point of choosing a product or service. You do not want to be the business with a yellow page listing next to the one with a website pouring out content. Bottom line, websites drive sales with the information provided and the traffic produced. When you are ready, look up web design Philadelphia, and contact Leads by Lordi to drive more sales to your business!