Philadelphia Social
Media Marketing
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Okay, maybe your local business won’t turn into the next Amazon, but it sure is possible to reach more people today than ever before. Have you heard of the Six degrees of separation theory? It is this idea that you are 6 or fewer acquaintances away from connecting with anyone in the world. This idea may have been far-fetched before social media, but now, it couldn’t be truer with all the platforms available to us. Creating a social media marketing strategy gives your business an advantage over the competition. You are able to reach out to more consumers who can than go share your products or services to the world. You save money by leveraging the users on the platform to do your marketing for you. This is a win-win for the consumer and your business.
Creating an effective social media marketing strategy is key to extending your reach. First, you need to listen to your audience. What are they saying about your industry? You want to be able to find a solution to a problem and present it to the consumer in a way that resonates. Next, you can start your conversation through posts, videos, tweets, games, etc. We live in a time where you can get your point across with an emoji, and it works! This will create your brand and entice followers to keep coming back for more.
So how can we help? Leads by Lordi will set up your social media accounts and form a strategy around your goals. We will continuously do the research necessary to find keywords that your followers are using and keep your pages relevant. Social media is not just for socializing. It is an opportunity to lead customers directly to your business. Contact us today to reach more people than ever before
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SEO Analysis
reaching further with facebook
Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook and came across an ad for a product or service that you have been wanting? Facebook is the largest social media platform available on the internet today. It is comprised of nearly 3 billion users who are constantly searching for new content to view and share. Facebook Ads gives you the opportunity to reach people of all different ages, genders, and occupations and allows your business to market directly to its target demographic. Through this platform you will be able to present your business to users who otherwise may not have known about you. Users enjoy the convenience of being introduced to a product or service without searching directly for it on a search engine. However, before creating your Facebook Ad campaign it is necessary to establish a specific page for your business.
Having a Facebook business page sends a message to users that your business is up to date with an ever changing society and builds a platform for you to interact with customers. Your business page will serve as a source where users can go to learn more about what you have to offer. In addition, it is a way to guide new potential customers to your website and generate more interest in your product or service. Leads by Lordi will not only help with creating your business page but we will develop relevant and intriguing content to share with your Facebook followers. This content has the ability to spread rapidly due to users sharing your content with their social media friends. Let us use our knowledge to extend your reach and create an ad campaign that will draw more customers to you!